Nonprofit organizations are at risk and most do not realize it. What is this risk? Basically, of the unknown. We believe every nonprofit should engage in regular background checks for employees and volunteers. This is for the protection of the organization and, most importantly, for the protection of those they serve. Read on to discover why.
Background checks promote an environment of safety and trust.
Your workplace needs to be a safe space where everyone feels a sense of trust.
That trust comes from the people you choose to represent and provide the services of your organization. Whether they are full-time employees, part-time employees, or volunteers, a quick, accurate, digitally delivered background check from VBOverified ensures that your people are in line with your values.
If you want to create an environment of safety and trust, background checks will assist to ensure are hiring safe and trustworthy people.
Background checks protect your organization, from a liability standpoint.
You also need to make sure you are keeping your organization protected from the liability that could be caused through the actions of those that represent you. The truth is that if a volunteer or employee does something harmful or illegal, the organization could suffer losses due to unknown liability. This is a risk that can be managed through background screening.
Imagine a situation where a person with a criminal past was hired as an employee or volunteer and ends up committing some type of crime while on the job. In this situation, your organization could be liable for damages as well as suffer damage to your reputation.
When you get a background check from VBOverified, you know who is coming to work for your nonprofit.
If your nonprofit does not conduct background checks on prospective employees and volunteers, consider the stakes. If you do currently conduct background checks, they may not be sufficient even if you are satisfied.
Your organization deserves to know that every person involved is an asset, not a risk. Contact VBOverified and let us help you choose the best possible people to represent your nonprofit. Get in touch with VBOverified.